As I look back over the past year, I realize that I was fortunate to travel to 15 countries plus an additional 10 trips across India. Yes, it has indeed been a period where I often unpacked and packed on the same day! Yet while travel dominated my calendar in 2011, there is no doubt that the most rewarding trip was not one which involved planes, trains and automobiles, but the journey within. For the past few years, I have been flirting with physical exercises associated with Yoga on one hand and the desire to learn more about the essence of Indian philosophy. In the last quarter of the year, I learnt first hand that these two pursuits were indeed intertwined and my nine-day trip in December to the two Ashrams of the Bihar School of Yoga have energized me like no other! Its early days yet since my trip ended, but the sense of peace and joy that I continue to experience ten days after the trip have given me strong pointers on how I can simplify my life, become calmer and fi...