Religion and Spirituality – Some Clarity
Religion and Spirituality – Some Clarity April 24, 2013 Am capturing some thoughts that have mainly emerged from discussions with Shantanu, my yoga teacher and some readings in the recent past. Religion, or rather the impact of region on cultures (and its peoples) has fascinated me for many years. As I increasingly dived into holistic yoga, I found myself referring to myself as being ‘spiritually inclined’ but not religious. Bottom line – I did not believe/appreciate the ‘mumbo/jumbo’ that is often related with religion and the unfortunate blind and often rabid faith that goes with being identified with one religion. But, the following new thoughts have made me question this belief… Every living thing has its own nature. Water always flows from the top to bottom and fire always rises (try holding a match any way you want, but when you light it, the flame always goes upwards). So too for humans. Our innate nature is to be good and do good. Be unselfis...