Tracking down an author...
Sometime in 2011, I came across a book that had a huge impact on my life. "The only way out is within" written by Rohini Singh resonated strongly. I came across this book at a critical juncture of my life - when the past was inadequate and the future unclear. Oh, the classic cross roads (a.k.a the mid-life crisis). The book helped me to understand my thoughts and emotions better and most importantly played a big role in setting me on a path of rejuvenation. I liked it so much that I probably have bought over 20 copies and have passed it on to others. Flipkart owes me big time! A year or so ago, an idea occurred - maybe I can convert this book into a workshop. I tracked down the email address of the author and wrote to her. But, alas there was no response. Earlier this year, I decided to pursue this again and found another email address and wrote to her. This time a warm note came back! Hurrah! So, last week, when I was in Delhi, I decided to track down Rohi...