Tools for Transformation in Our Daily Life - Sw. Niranjan, BSY - Simple yet Comprehensive
Tools for Transformation in Our Daily Life: There is no difference between spiritual and worldly life. The moment we try to create a division between our spiritual and daily life, so that in one area we meditate, concentrate and do yoga, whilst in the other we are slaves to the mind, attached to sensory enjoyment, happiness and satisfaction, we are in trouble. However, if we believe that our spir itual life is our daily life, and our daily life is our spiritual life, there will be no conflict. The whole process of spiritual life is to be open and friendly with all fellow beings, to help, guide, love and live in harmony with each other. Six Yogic Capsules: Negativity is a weed which kills and suppresses the power of Positivity. Hatred, jealousy and envy are weeds which suppress the benevolent qualities of the mind. If we are identifying with the weed and we are under the influence of our negative states of mind, then we lose track of the positive nature. Just as a lawn has to be maint...