OH, HOW WE CLUTTER OUR MINDS.... I was at a cricket game yesterday.... No ordinary game.... It was the playoffs and 'my home' team was playing. It's been a while since I watched a match at a stadium... The build up to the game was frenzied...Cheer leaders, DJs with music blaring, the stadium announcer whipping up the crowd, glitzy advertising banner and most of us dressed in team colours.... Yup, all the ingredients for a MEGA event were in place..... Then the game started.... Within the ground, the 13 players involved were simply playing a game. Not too different from what was probably played a few hundred meters away in the grounds next door....The highly paid players did not seem very different from my image of us as school kids playing the game.... All the jazz and distraction was outside the circle. But within it, just a simple game of cricket. Nothing more...nothing less. And then this insight emerged...It seems all too often we tend to ge...