HE HAD MY BACK.....AND MY SHIRT "The value you bring is a lot more than what we pay you, Sanjay" said this gentle-man way 2 decades ago as he did my first performance appraisal. "Let me see what I can do to bring you to par." I got a 20% raise that year. The next year was the same. I never asked. He simply worked the system to make it happen. 10 years later, I played a small part of bringing him back to PSI - the work and the people we both loved. He met my parents and my oldest brother in Chennai, my hometown. After he left, I recall my brother turning to my mother and saying "Doesn't he remind you of Chitti (my other brother)?" I had not made the connection until then. Over the past 25 years, this was a special and unique connect. Yes, I had a few other close friends and family. But none who could relate to the work and PSI that was so much a part of my DNA. We worked together, our families spent time with each other across three co...