WE ARE THEM Yesterday, I watched a documentary of strangers helping each other after a terrorist attack. I also heard about a young man risking his life to save a stranger! Very moving stories and highly commendable. As someone interested in understanding and managing the mind towards greater peace, I went searching to better understand this behaviour. This insight caught my attention. I encourage you to read it completely. https://theconversation.com/pure-altruism-the-connection-that-explains-why-we-help-strangers-120693 What stood out for me is pasted below: ______ "The question of why human beings are sometimes prepared to risk their own lives to save others has puzzled philosophers and scientists for centuries. There is a sense in which we are part of a shared network of consciousness. It is this which makes it possible for us to identify with other people, to sense their suffering and respond to it with altruistic acts. We can sense other people’s suffering because, in a se...