Just back from vacation? Make Sure Your First Day is Easy!!!

I just got back from two weeks spending time with the most important person in my life - ME! Yup, week one was away in a deep dive immersion program where we used the archetypes and situations of the magnificent Indian epic 'the Mahabharatha' as a frame to look at oneself. Week two was spent in Burma focused on a coaching assignment and then at a Buddhist Monastery.

What was common in these trips was that I was away from all typical ways of interacting with the world.....So, when I got back yesterday, I was hit by gazillion emails, a letter from the tax authorities, minor family situations forcing me to choose between a rock and hard place, news about my mother's surgery next week and some turbulence in my transition from a paid employee to a consultant! All this in the first two hours of the morning....and sure enough most of the day was spent in a GRUMPY mood!

Until I caught myself and reminded myself that I had forgotten a golden rule that I had honed over the years - to take the first day after a break in a relaxed manner. What does this mean?

1. Recognize and realize upfront that there will a lot of shit to deal with after being away. Just having this perspective before plunging into the day makes all the difference.

2. Only focus on the important and urgent stuff on day 1.

3. Allow yourself to lapse on the other 'urgent' stuff. It's okay to just let go on day 1.

4. Don't drop exercise and other practices which are good for your body and soul. For instance, I did not go for my Asana and Pranayam ('yoga' for the unitiatied)  class, did not practice my 'attitude of gratitude and did not got for my regular walk). Often, we let other 'important' stuff take precedence over what are the better things to focus on.

5. Remind myself of #1 through the day.

So, today, I found my balance. Dragged myself from bed at 5am and went in for my class, did my gratitude diary and now focussing on this.....A better day indeed!

Hope you find these tips useful.



  1. Some very useful and practical tips indeed...i can see how we can fall into the traps and lose our center....Raghu


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