
Showing posts from April, 2017


COACHING DIARIES…..TREAT YOURSELF GENTLY One of the most prevalent themes that I have come across from the various clients I coach is how hard they are on themselves. And mind you, this cuts across age, sex, seniority and culture! So, when one of my clients pulls out this piece of artwork, it was such a beautiful moment1 After our last session, the client had gone ahead and created this and saved a picture of their phone as well. The client is looking to putting it up in his/her office as a daily reminder……. Towards the end of a session with another client, I suggested to them that they come with some sort of reminder that would support them in the new behaviour that they wanted to practice. The client was unclear what sort of reminder I was suggesting. I then pulled out this picture and showed it to her/him. This client’s eyes lit up.    “I want this” the client exclaimed. “The message suits me so well.” This prompted me ...


“GROWING OLD IS MANDATORY, GROWING UP IS OPTIONAL” “GROWING OLD IS MANDATORY, GROWING UP IS OPTIONAL” So, here I was at this dinner with some affluent friends. After flitting around a bit, the conversation veered towards how challenging it is to do business in India.....yup, the usual suspects were ticket off – myriad of obscure regulations, how much to bribe, how best to influence the concerned government official, what demons the new value added tax regimen will throw up, etc…. Like you, I too have participated in so many similar conversations….But this time, I found myself hearing what was not being said…… As I listened, I felt myself choking up. Almost, like drowning……Before you ask, "Nope it wasn’t the fancy Jamaican rum that I was imbibing." Looked within some more and the image of being caged came up. Yup, the feeling of being trapped desperately seeking a way out. What was this trap I asked myself????? And then, the light seemed to dawn… w...

Words are Windows....Or Are They Walls?

Came across the beautiful poem (Thanks Salil). As I started to read the first few lines, I became aware of how words that have been uttered by others, particularly those close to me, have hurt me. I paused.....images, strong emotions and subsequent suffering flashed by...Sometimes, all that was required is just one word...very often not even that...just a look. I then continued to read.....and then it occurred to me that the shoe is often on the other foot too..... The weekend provides an opportunity to pause, reflect, mourn and celebrate.... Words Are Windows     I feel so sentenced by your words, I feel so judged and sent away, Before I go I’ve got to know Is that what you mean to say? Before I rise to my defense, Before I speak in hurt or fear, Before I build that wall of words, Tell me, did I really hear? Words are windows, or they’re walls, They sentence us, or set us free. When I speak and when I hear, Let the love light shine throu...