Three Practical Tips Towards A Happier You - Based on ancient mind management principles - Sw. Niranjan
From my childhood, the following formula seemed to surround me:
Happiness=God=prayer=idol=ask for something=receive or accept when not receive=happy
Later on as one got 'educated', a replacement formula emerged:
Happiness=success=achievement=work hard=compete against others for scarce resources=WIN=happiness (maybe)
Somehow, this too did not seem adequate......
The attached video is about 25 minutes. If Saffron (actually 'Geru') turns you off, suggest holding that judgement and just watching this piece.
Three powerful practices are articulated to make you feel a lot a more 'alive.' I can vouch for its benefits. Done decently on the first two, need to work on #3.
If you do watch and the piece resonates, would luv to hear from you (
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