
Showing posts from June, 2019

Create a nourishing environment....and let the law of attraction unfold

Last week I participated in a wedding with an unusual sense of belonging! Many of us felt a sense of ownership that was unique and extremely pleasurable. Mind you, my personal involvement was very minimal - the only 'official' role I played was acting as the host for about 15 minutes during the lunch. That's about it!!! So, it got me thinking...W hy was I (and others) feeling this sense of belonging and the resultant joy?  As I sat for lunch....and watched the banana leaf come alive in a few minutes, an insight emerged.... I have know Anandhi and Ravi, the parents of the groom,  for many years. Over the years I had marvelled at this lovely couple's sense of completeness and harmony. I chose these phrases with care. Let me elaborate. First, completeness - I have rarely seen two people so complete as individuals and so 'whole' as a couple. And they just seem to flow together so well....I was witness to one such act of harmony a few years ago when I dr...


HOW CLEARING OUT MY HOME REMINDED ME OF AN IMPORTANT LIFE LESSON….. Waistlines and hairlines change over time… Friends change over time… Moods change….. Passions change… Bosses and colleagues change…. Jobs change… I disliked being alone….but now that seems preferable to small talk…. Probably the biggest lesson I have internalized over the past year from the deep dive into Indo-Tibetan philosophy is the very practical insight – that everything changes…this is indeed the nature of reality! And aiming to hold on to the mirage of permanence is not just futile but cause of significant suffering…. This insight came front up and center last week as we moved out of our home….a home for the past eight years (the longest I have lived in one single house). So, as I watched the feelings of sadness, fear and even anger emerge within me during this move (all under the umbrella guise of ‘stress’), I was grateful that the insig...