Flow… Just that. Simple yet continuous…… About 10 years ago, my paths crossed DIvya’s and Shantanu’s. I was going through a period of transition. The old was not yet over and the new was not yet born. It is in these periods that the company of like-minded souls is particularly vital. Divya has always been the gust of fresh air while Shantanu, the rock, that so many of us anchor on to. Over the years, our lives twisted and turned. We started as a teacher and two students. Soon, we formed a bond that was more than that. Over time, their relationship grew as they came together as a couple. For me, its been so wonderful watching and participating from the banks as these two fiercely independent forces of nature straddling contradictions, somehow flowed together seamlessly! So about a month ago, when they asked me to join them to Rishikesh, I immediately said YES! And much to my surprise (and their’s too!), I actually made the trip! And over the past five days, we just flowed, ala th...