Jan 19, 2013
19, 2013
lovely birthday! The first present
came on the 18th, when after seven-eight years, blood tests showed
that my long standing cholesterol level was finally under control. I was so pleased that the past year’s
yoga, healthier eating and reduced drinking had paid off, but Lata reminded me
that it was in fact, four months of medications that finally pulled the numbers
down! Damn, there went my romantic illusions! As Al Pachino said in GF3,
“Everytime I try to get away, they bring me back!” Double benefits- Better
health and ego in check!
the 19th morning began magnificently. The Austrialian Embassy and my
yoga studio had organized a wonderful session of ‘yoga and music on the beach
at 6am. It was one of my most beautiful experiences as the lovely live music
from Jo and Edo wafted through the crisp, clean air as we inhaled deeply and
stretched. See this 50 second link to get a taste. http://youtu.be/mTYGfmZsTM4
time I opened my eyes, there was a little more light. The image as the sun
burst from behind the clouds is etched in my chidakash.
breakfast at Woodlands with some yoga buddies was very nice. Oh, I so enjoy
these unplanned events. Increasingly, folks like to plan too much and this
cramps my style. So, to just go with the flow was very nice.
home and hung around with Lata and Sanjana. Sanjana had done a lovely painting
for me. It took her 3 hours to paint this one tree set on a lovely canvass that
my niece (Shilpa) had given her. Nice on all fronts.
highlight of the day followed. 52 friends and family came together for a
special yoga session organized at 136 yoga studio, a place which has so very
quickly become my second home and certainly the place where I find peace and
the company of like minded folks. The studio had done a lovely job in creating
a wonderful experience and Lata nicely organized some of the simple, but yummy
snacks that disappeared quickly. The rich written and verbal feedback from the
participants left me content. For a long time now, I had been complaining that
our typical social gatherings were getting too boring for me. It was nice, as
Gandhiji said ‘to be the change you want to see.’ https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/sredir?uname=107324623952559934218&target=ALBUM&id=5838009857082295361&authkey=Gv1sRgCMb3yp-HxZaPaQ&invite=CL2t7rEF&feat=email
after this event, we rushed for a Sangeet organized on the eve of my cousins
wedding. A nice gathering of family! Overall, yoga and magical music in a
heavenly setting, breakfast with yoga buddies and sharing my joy with my
friends, quality time with immediate and extended family made a lovely full
day! Magical!
you liked the music link above, try this one
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