Q : What is a Problem and how can Problems be avoided? - Sw. Niranjan's excellent Q&A
Q : What is a Problem and how can Problems be avoided? A : Problems can't be avoided because we don't want to avoid them. If we didn't care about problems, they wouldn't exist. But we like to take on problems because we are guided by our self-image. Our self-image says one has to be good, considerate and kind, and that is the front we always try to project. As long as we are consciously or unconsciously following the dictates of our self-image, we will never be free from problems. What is a Problem? A problem is something you take upon yourself which is not your natural inclination or expression. Other people imposing their difficulties can become a problem. Somebody offering to help can also be a problem if the help is not expressed in the right manner. Even musing over things can become a problem. Encountering situations that can affect, change and alter our self-perception can become a problem. A sudden influx of negative thoughts can become a problem. An inf...