Ah, how the mind compares.....
Ah, how the mind compares.....
This morning in my yoga class I found myself comparing my flexibility and with others. A few minutes ago I found this Q&A...
QUESTION: My major disease is comparison. I am suffering from enormous inferiority syndrome. How do I handle this problem?
RESPONSE "Comparison is essentially sourced in non acceptance of one’s life, parents, body, capabilities or thoughts and emotions. In resisting the fact and trying to be something that you are not, you suffer from destructive emotions like anger, jealousy, hatred, frustration, which in turn leads to failure of intelligence.
All problems arise with the failure of intelligence. It is acceptance that liberates you and how does one arrive at acceptance? It is not about understanding, explaining or justifying the situation but to experience the pain behind it. As you experience the unresolved emotions that are attached to the situation, all resistance dissolves and you naturally embrace the fact. This inner acceptance leads to awakening of intelligence and the inferiority complex would naturally disappear.".......
Thanks for posting sanjay. Content to chew on. As usual very timely.