How can we help S?
Earlier today I got the following message from a young
person whom I like and have known now for a few years. Here is the message and
my response below….
“It’s just that, I always seem to have a disturbed mind. As
in, I’m not able to be, u know, get relief. It’s always something or other
which comes and disturbs and I always go to bed with a heavy heart. And with
the same frustration I tend to start my day. I tried to be positive but nothing
seems to work. Any possibility on changing my negatives?
Dear S,
First, pat yourself on your back
for even being aware of your mood. This awareness and acknowledgement does not
come to many, so you should feel good about. Second, pat yourself again….for
reaching out and asking for help. Most of us are too afraid to ask – As a wise
person said, we have no hesitation going to a Dr when we want help with a
physical problem, but we have major hesitations when we have a problem with the
mind – SILLY!!!! But all too common.
By the way, I too had this challenge.
I was low for 3-4 years……with very similar emotions like what you are facing.
This is what worked for me.
First, understand the nature of
the mind:
Its negative for
most of us – We talked about this in the Cosmic Kitchen workshop. So, negative
thoughts are quite normal for most of us.
It’s important to
separate out thoughts from thinking. We may have many thoughts…indeed
50,000/day…but only few stick. So, what sticks? The thoughts we PAY ATTENTION
TO and particularly those that we attach emotion too.
So, in your case, observe what
these thoughts that stick are….Write them down.
This is part 1. REVIEW AND
Then it is important to move to
the second step – TO RELEASE them. You will recall the way to do it. And then the
third step, REFRESH – when you transform these into affirmations. Finally,
REPEAT- You will have to practice these affirmations.
Now, some addition suggestions:
1. At night, just before going to sleep...take a moment and
acknowledge these negative thoughts….let them come. Try and observe them. Do
you have a mantra you like chanting? Chat it for a few minutes. This really
helps me. Then do your affirmations.
2. In the morning, the first thing, practice the attitude of
gratitude that we have spoken about. Do what suits you, but do it regularly….EVERYDAY.
For me, it is writing 10 things I am grateful for.
3. Finally, get physical exercise DAILY! Are you doing this?
For me a yoga class + walking for 30 minutes is a MUST. When I don’t do it, I
can feel being mentally down. Like today…..So, I am going for evening class
since I skipped the morning..
4. Try Yoga Nidra for 10-12 minutes everyday/3 times a week
in the evening after work.
Which of the above are you doing
Dear S, you have so much
goodness within you. Sometimes, this gets covered by the dirt we accumulate.
Like having to take a bath everyday, doing these cleansing practices, will
indeed help!
I wish I could tell you there is
a simple answer. But what I have told you, is what worked for me.
Hope this helps….
Luv and gratitude,
Thanks Sanjay.
Let me give a time frame on this. I shall get
back to you exactly on next Thursday on how exactly the 1
week journey was. I will give it a shot. And, with regards to Yoga, I am going
to join a place right next to my house. let me see on how that helps me.
But I have to tell you this; the pressure
which I am going through right can neither be told nor kept inside. I hope god
doesn't make any other living being's life like this. But on the contrary,
what's a life without problems??
Anyways, Thanks once again. Mainly for talking
to me and lending your hand when I am messed up.
With best regards,
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