A few weeks ago, I espied this cut-out left behind after an event in a hotel in Daman. Just had to take this picture – for a laugh….but clearly there was more…

There are never any co-incidences. The next day was my 21st wedding anniversary. Over the past few weeks, its been a series of open, emotional and honest conversations. Yup, we needed to initially ride the emotional roller coaster in order to reach a new equilibrium.

All too often, we get busy…and life catches up. Like most things in life that are alive, relationships too need constant and proactive attention, nurturing, tweaking and above all compassion and understanding to constantly evolve in a mutually productive way. We had not really spoken openly for a while and boy, was that evident!

This roller coaster ride has come to and end and we have moved on to other fun aspects of the amusement park. But, like with most things, the wound is indeed, where the light enters (to paraphrase Rumi). A sense of gratitude for this insight and for the lightness that one feels…..


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