......Just finished a coaching session with a client who quoted this line. His teacher had said this when he was painting a portrait!
But this clearly goes beyond his painting. One of the challenges my clients faces is that he is all too often obsessed with being perfect in all aspects of his life - a report due to his supervisor, what words to use in public, how he should 'show' up to the external world....all driven by this drive for perfection. Unfortunately, all too often two things happen:
Either the moment has passed and what he was painstakingly working on is no longer relevant or worse....he actually 'spoils' the end product!
Yup, there are indeed times when we ought to pursue and deliver perfection (like while making aerospace components)...but in most areas of our lives, I have found too many of us not willing to just show up...but waiting for that perfect moment/appearance!
And yup, that includes me too....
Oh god! This is totally me. Thanks Sanjay. I love it.