
Showing posts from September, 2017


 I LOST MY COOL........HOW COOL WAS THE RESULT!!! Yesterday, I was angry. Something happened and the proverbial buttons were pushed. I could feel this surge of energy....... Typically, I might have lashed the closest person. Or worse, I might have pushed it deep down only for it to emerge at some unforeseen moment. But, for some reason, today was different. Here is what happened: 1. After the incident, I took a few minutes break......just by myself. 2. I could SEE that I was angry. 3. I acknowledged the anger and let it flow out of me (speaking about it without blame...just talking about how I felt). 4. I continued to feel the energy inside, but there was a's edge had diminished considerably. 5. I decided to channel this energy. Got to a task I had been putting off for a while. Spent a focussed 90 minutes on this task. It got done! A good output as well. Yup, energy of anger is indeed good....when it is channelled well! As we have lea...


DON’T LET THE CLOUDS MAKE YOU FORGET….THAT YOU ALWAYS COMPLETE Maya is one of those wonderful people you come across in life - Humble, committed, introspective, even-tempered, smart and always willing to go the extra mile to help another. Maya is a senior professional in a multi-national organization and is one of those rare individuals who is liked and respected by almost everyone. Indeed, it has been very fulfilling to partner as her Coach. So when I received a note spelling how low she felt about a work situation, I was surprised. Early into the conversation, she spelt out how unappreciated she felt at work and was particularly frustrated that her important role in jumping in to support others was simply not being seen. As we unpeeled the layers of the onion, an important insight emerged….that she too was not adequately acknowledging, let alone appreciating, her own contribution.   This stuck an important chord for me as it reminded me of an important...

Working 9-5: the conditioning we ought to question!

It's 5pm on a Sunday evening. Look around you, and see that the faces are growing longer....the Monday Morning Mask is being put on.... If you have 13 minutes, please check out this response by Jiddu Krishnamurthy. It stirred me... Can we indeed create a society that questions this conditioning? Ala the conditioning that 'war is necessary?" Love to know your comments below

Put on the oxygen mask on ourselves first!

“My work environment is toxic"....  … was among the first things that Sam said (name changed) in our coaching call a few weeks ago. Sam is a senior leader in a multinational firm. His energy was low and the fact that he did not wish to use the skype video option (which we typically do) was a powerful indicator of his state of mind. Sam went on describe how his senior colleagues constantly only looked to serve themselves and protect their turf. Sam felt isolated, powerless and was seriously thinking of turning in his papers without a firm Option B in mind. In our chat, we dived right into this personal ‘pain.’ Rather than typical conversation where one tries to ignore or distract what is bothering us, the compassionate coaching space created a rare opportunity to look distress and pain right in the eye and look within.   As Rumi beautifully put it - “The wound is the place where the light enters you.” There was an ever so small shift that I could sense...