As the year winds down, it’s a great opportunity to pause, reflect and re-energize for the year ahead. I came across a wonderful practice of ‘Embracing My Mistakes’

See this short 2.5 minute video:

I was inspired to begin a practice….Here is what I am doing:

1. I started writing down the mistakes I has made this year. I found myself going to the specific incidents that may have caused specific people some hurt. I was fairly specific.

2. I reviewed these and gave myself time to fully feel them once again.

3. I then grouped them into different clusters:

a.     Mistakes not addressed as yet from my side that still cause me angst (3 stood out)
b.     Mistakes either adequately addressed or that I am comfortable not addressing (7 of them)

4. Time for action – I have emailed an unconditionally apology to one, have written out a note that I will print out and deliver along with a small token over the weekend and finally, for the third, rather than addressing it straight up, I plan to write a note of gratitude and present him with a book.

Just doing the first step feels good……

If this resonates with you and you try something similar, please do drop me a line. I would luv to hear and learn from your experience.


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