Three days ago, the world saw a tennis legend breakdown in joy when he spoke after winning a major tournament. One could see that he was trying hard to hold back his emotions, but when he realised the enormity of the achievement - “the fairy tale continues” (in his own words), the Energy in Motion (EMotion) could not be held back any longer and they came flowing out like a river does….
Why is this news? Because we have been socialised to accept that showing emotions in the public is simply not on. And worse, showing emotions at the work-place is certainly a big NO-NO!
But we need to remember, that it is our passion that drives us to peak performance…and what else is passion but a strong emotion. And what the heck is wrong in truly feeling and showing this emotion!
Indeed, we can tap into the immense power of emotion to push us ahead. Roger Federer did in this very match. He had lost fourth set and worse he knew he was playing without fire - what folks describe as ‘flat.’ He needed something to kickstart himself. A ball was called out by the linesman and Roger was angry. But then he did the smart thing - He seized that moment and channelized his anger. He openly expressed his displeasure, shook his head and one could see that he was visibly energised. Was it a co-incidence that soon after he just took off and won the fifth and decisive set with ease? Certainly not in my book!!!
Here was a smart application of SELF AWARENESS (knowing he was ‘flat’) and then SELF MANAGEMENT (channeling his anger). These are the foundations of Emotional Intelligence. And Roger tapped into this power within himself…..
Further, I have no doubt that the tears that flowed out at the end were a release of the pent up emotions…..Here, his innate wisdom took over. They energy simply had to be released despite his attempts to control himself!!!!
I coach leaders across the world and it’s amazing how widely pervasive the myth of not feeling and showing emotions at the workplace is. But there are indeed a few smart ones…These are the ones who know how best we can tap into this immense resource within us. Sure, emotions can indeed be destructive too. And that’s where some training comes in!
Each of us had a wild horse within us. Without training it might trample us…but just imagine the possibilities…what we can achieve if we learn to saddle it and then fly…..ala Roger and many around us!
If you would like to discuss/learn more oh how best to harness this power, please drop me a personal message.
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Mindfully yours,


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