The second dip was indeed special!
The second dip was indeed special!
(A lovely weekend in Johnson City, May 2012)
the summer of 1994, Lata and I spent a glorious month with DJ and Gayatri in
Johnson City. Joining us during the weekend, were other friends who drove
across vast distances (Arjun, P2 and CV to name a few). We just hung out in
this little town seemingly in the middle of nowhere and man, did we have a
blast! Over the next one-two years, we came back to JC for shorter trips.
week, 18 summers later, Lata and I (and now with nine year old Sanjana) made
the trip to JC one more time to connect with our friends DJ, Gayatri, Devika,
Aniruddh (“Oni”) and DJ’s mom. And just like in the old times, we had friends
join us (Kolanday, Vandana and lil Samyu flew down from New Jersey). This
‘second’ holiday in JC was simply magnificent and will rank among the best
hard to say what makes something special. Its rarely one thing. Nor is it
something that is tangible. It’s often an amalgamation of many wonderful
‘moments’ that separates the good from the great.
seduction began a month or so ago when DJ called us repeatedly to motivate us
to include JC into our US itinerary. On two separate occasions, I got back to
him with ‘sorry, but its hard to fit JC in.’ But his gentle insistence won us
over. JC was on the itinerary and boy, would it have been a mistake to leave it
we made the drive to JC (ah yes, that’s another story!), we were embraced with
a sense of warmth and openness that I have rarely felt. Here are some of the
magical moments…
had done his homework well and found that an interesting play was being staged
in nearby Abingdon (“Over the President’s Shoulder’). It was a terrific
performance and told the story of the Chief Butler of the White House who
served under four US presidents during the 30s-50s! The fact that a black man
was addressing many a racial topic in front of an all white audience (except
the four of us!) made it particularly poignant. Almost 25 years ago, DJ, Lata
and I had worked together on a play (Night of January 16th) and it
was poetic that we celebrated our first evening together watching this
wonderful performance.

visit to the nearby Gary Fossil Museum, a live archaeological site, really
resonated with me. It’s amazing that in small ol Johnson City, there is a live
site where they are (still) discovering fossils from millions of years ago.
Fascinating that they have found skeletons of dinosaurs, camels, elephants and
tapirs! The short but very informative tour was great. I really liked this
place over many other museums (including the famous Smitsonians) because it was
a live site.

lovely serendipitous moment was that our visit coincided with a music
performance where Devika and Oni (among others) performed on the piano. A short
lovely event that I am particularly glad Sanjana got to witness.

Truly, the Jaishankars
warmly opened their homes (and their wallets!) to give us many a memorable

But, what was the defining
moment for me?…yes, there was one….On a bright Sunday morning, we were on a
pontoon on Lake Wataga expertly navigated by DJ (the fact that he did not know
how to switch the damn thing back on when we were in the middle of the lake is
yet another story)…..It was a beautiful day and as we noted many times, a
perfect way for all of us to spend the day…. beer and wine, eating some yummy
food, listening to some nice music, the kids dancing as the Captain glided the
pontoon across the lake. A perfectly languid day!

While it was a warm day, the
water was COLD! But the fearless DRs jumped right in followed by their off
springs. I put my toe in and jumped right back up. It was simply TOO COLD! But
after much cajoling, I got into the cold water. Did I enjoy it? Nope! I hung
around for about 10 mins and promptly got back into the boat. I was done with
the swimming thing! I had been ‘manly’ enough and that was that…But the damn
DRs kept swimming away.

Truly, the second
dip was indeed special!
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