6. Faith Amidst Life Unfolding – On the Banks of the Ganga in Banaras (Bangkok, Banaras, Bihar)
6. Faith Amidst Life Unfolding – On the Banks of the Ganga
in Banaras
One of the most peculiar aspects of Hinduism is how the places of worship are not ‘islands of tranquility’ like those you would see in a church or a mosque. Instead, like most things in India, they are truly integrated into the chaos of life surrounding it.
I spent a day walking by the ‘Ghats’ (riverside steps) of the Ganga in Banaras and it was quite amazing to see how practices of faith co-existed in harmony with more mundane daily acts – like washing and drying clothes, playing cards, getting a shave and cleaning cattle and humans.
There is a part of me that has always identified with the
quiet associated with places of worship of the more mono-theistic religions.
Indeed, the Hindu temples seemed way too chaotic for any reflection and
devotion. But, on the banks of the Ganga, as I strolled though on a quiet day
enjoying gorgeous weather, it was most fascinating to see how amidst life
unfolding, there was indeed a sense of calm and even purity! I felt a wave of
sheer gratitude flowing though me....maybe it was the holy river!
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