A few months ago I completed a psychometric assessment that
included people giving feedback about me. One particular feedback struck a
chord – “Sanjay tends to quickly create an image of a person and then does not
change it over the years even though the person might have changed.”
My first reaction was one that came from a self-preservation
mindset….but then it slowly sank in. Could this be true? I just let it lie
until now….Over the past few weeks, as I have has more of a chance to observe
myself (and others), I realized this was indeed the case.
The image of people created either early in life or strong
negative reactions upon the first few meetings with anyone seem to have created
dvery strong images. Not surprisingly, given the nature of the mind, these
images are mainly negative. For instance, there is a particular person who most
of those close to me did not like much. Lets call this person Rao. Now Rao in
the 1980s exhibited a miserly trait on quite a few occasions. So, the image not
just got stuck, but picked up additional negative layers over the years:
Rao=miser=always out to get something from you=to be
You can see how easily this plays out. Over the years, Rao
has indeed changed. Recently when we needed some help, Rao was the only one who
proactively offered and delivered on the help required. But still, when Rao’s
name came up around me, the image of the past still dominated. Even
acknowledgement of Rao’s help was made grudgingly.
So, another step today – to review the images in my head and
revisit them. Mental defrosting is indeed needed!
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