Batman vs Superman – The Dawn of Awareness…
Batman vs Superman – The Dawn of Awareness…
Aren't these pictures cute?
When I saw these two ‘funny’ pictures, I first laughed and then then something stirred…and the word AWARENESS came to the forefront. Awareness – sometimes misplaced…sometimes not ever highlighted!
Let’s first start with Superman. What is he doing here? He has inadvertently torn of the costume that protects him. In fact Superman’s costume is more than a just a piece of clothing. It epitomizes the magnificence of his mother planet – Krypton. The logo is his family’s emblem. And so in a moment of ‘non-awareness” borne out of cultivated habit of removing his external clothing during a crisis, Superman accidently rips of his legacy which he holds very dear.
This made me pause. In so many moments of anger, frustration, alcohol laden instances and other similar negative habits when the internal mirror has been dirty and awareness misplaced, I have done things which have resulted in compromising on the very values that make me strong…….
The dog and the Batman cartoon paints an even richer picture. I just got off the phone with a person who said – “From my childhood, I have been told to work on my weaknesses…no one said anything about my strengths.” Now, does that not sound familiar? Whether it is work related performance appraisals or the way we ‘counsel’ our family members, the focus almost always tends to be using the problem-solving paradigm. The Industrial Revolution brought in a mindset that the world is essentially mechanical and so, success=fixing problems.
But that memo did not reach our internal DNA. Simply said, we are not machines. This approach suppresses the magnificence within us if we solely focus on fixing our problems. We are indeed awesome creations each individually effulgent! The way we maximize our joy is to operate from love, abundance and inspiration and not fear, scarcity and regulations. Or simply said, the more we operate from our strengths rather than from our weaknesses, the more fulfilled and enjoyable our lives will be.
Indeed, within EACH one of us is this special light – the 4th BF (you know the reference if you have attended the Tillitonse Workshops). Very often we simply don’t even know about it. I urge you take some practical steps – look within and recall the moments in your life where you have felt really alive….follow that trail and discover your inner super-hero.
As a transformational coach, this is my passion and commitment – to work with you to help touch that core and eventually exclaim with joy – “Holy Crap, I am Batman/ Supergirl/ Hanuman/Draupadi, Yoda” - or whatever other character that resonates with you.
My own personal journey towards increased AWARENESS has two catalysts – First, adopting the age-old Indian philosophies, principles and practices as currently presented by the Bihar School of Yoga. Second, the pursuit of surrounding myself with like minded people (“Sat-Sang”).
But that’s just my journey….If this piece has touched you in anyway and helps move you to becoming a more fulfilled and happier version of yourself, then writing this has been well worth it….Gotham City and Metropolis need you!
It has. And it does. Thanks :-)