When Passion Goes Rogue


When Passion Goes Rogue

Let me share a story that’s part comedy, part cringe-worthy life lesson, and all about how I let passion turn into petulance. (Spoiler alert: I am not the hero here.)

Picture this: For nine months, I’d been leading a project that was going really well. We’d hit some big milestones, gotten lots of kudos, and I was feeling like the proud parent of a very successful group baby. So, naturally, I was thrilled when the team agreed to have a celebratory event at a venue I’d recommended. Everything was coming up roses.

Then, things shifted.

Out of nowhere (or so it seemed), the event started to feel like an afterthought to some of the other stakeholders. Cue my inner dramatic narrator: “How dare they?” I began obsessing over what felt like a lack of respect for the project and—let’s be honest—my hard work.

This is where things got messy.

In my flurry of frustration, I lashed out at one of the stakeholders. And let’s be clear: this person did not deserve it, but they did not seem to understand my 'pain.' Yet, the moment I spoke, I felt like I’d just dropped my phone in the toilet—an instant, heart-sinking, what-have-I-done kind of regret.

Cue the self-recrimination: “Really, Sanjay? That’s how you handled it? Mature.” It wasn’t my proudest moment, and I knew I’d let my passion cross into petulance.

What followed were a few days of reflection (and eating generous slices of humble pie). I apologized to the person, owned up to my behaviour, and did my best to repair the relationship. Fortunately, I don’t think I’ve done lasting damage, but wow, what a wake-up call.

Here’s what I’ve re-learned:

Passion is amazing—it fuels creativity and persistence. But when it gets tangled up with ego or impatience, it can go rogue. That’s when passion turns into petulance, and trust me, no one wants to be that person.

As Epictetus wisely said, “It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.” My reaction in the moment didn’t reflect the bigger picture or the collaborative spirit I aim to foster. It’s a humbling reminder to pause, breathe, and maybe not let my inner diva run the show.

Mindfully (and with a touch of humility),

P.S. For a deeper dive into what happens when ambition takes a wrong turn, check out this great video: How Ambitious People RUIN their Lives. Heads up: It’s kinda serious. 8 minutes long.


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