HELP, I AM BEING TORN APART....between what my life SHOULD be versus what it IS......
In response to an article on this blog, a good friend of mine wrote the following insightful and poignant piece about being torn apart by the two wolves fighting inside S/he highlights the importance of the 'ability of bear reality' and the pressures of peers/society around us. The journey is indeed hard, but as s/he articulates so beautifully, there is indeed no other way out! Indeed, as beautifully said by Rumi, “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” Read on....... An important lesson I have learned so far this 'tough' year has been the realization that there is no "cure" for the demons in our heads, and that any search for one is doomed to fail. Instead, what is critically important is developing the strength "to bear reality without judgment". This was such a simple yet profound observation, articulated to me by both a meditation teacher and a psychologist within a few coincidental days of each ot...