
Showing posts from June, 2015

HELP, I AM BEING TORN APART....between what my life SHOULD be versus what it IS......

In response to an article on this blog, a good friend of mine wrote the following insightful and poignant piece about being torn apart by the two wolves fighting inside S/he highlights the importance of the 'ability of bear reality' and the pressures of peers/society around us. The journey is indeed hard, but as s/he articulates so beautifully, there is indeed no other way out! Indeed, as beautifully said by Rumi, “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” Read on....... ​An important lesson I have learned so far this 'tough' year has been the realization that there is no "cure" for the demons in our heads, and that any search for one is doomed to fail.   Instead, what is critically important is developing the strength "to bear reality without judgment".  This was such a simple yet profound observation, articulated to me by both a meditation teacher and a psychologist within a few coincidental days of each ot...

The joy and transformative experience of integrated yoga.....towards a better me

There are many who relish the opportunity to listen to talks given by wise/evolved souls. In fact, for many, this is their main investment in self growth. Somehow, this does not seem adequate to me. What I needed was a more involved process - a way I could really immerse myself! So, when I came across INTEGRATED YOGA -  a truly an experiential process, it was awesome!!!! 1. First, yoga helps me becoming more aware. 2. Next there are a set of practices (both on and off the mat) that I have adopted/adapted into my daily life. I can actually see the difference this has made in my life. 3. The 'Yoga Sutras' (Codification of Yoga) also gives me a warning of what tricks my mind will play as I continue these practices.......Knowing these allows better prepares me to tackle the monkey mind 4. The Sutras also articulate what I will feel/behave if I am making progress (or not) in Yoga. and finally, the 'high' one gets after committed time to integrated yoga (ch...

First you must break down.....

A few days ago, a close friend of mine,  Ravi (name changed) confessed that he is CONFUSED and unable to make decisions about some important next steps in his life. While we all face these moments, for Ravi this was something very very unusual - he is typically the epitome of confidence. I have faced this same 'crocodile' in the past (for quite a few years) and the pain associated with this state of mind is fresh. At that point, I found that all the skills that I had developed for the almost 40 years were useless in helping me deal with the despondency that had enveloped me. I needed new tools. But before that I needed to acknowledge my state of mind. Fortunately, once I did that the path unveiled itself.  In my journey, I learnt that many had faced these similar challenges. Even Arjuna, the greatest warrior on the planet according to the epic Mahabharatha, broke down unable to proceed at the start of the biggest battle in his life - a battle he had been preparing hims...

The Wolf You Feed!

Outlined below are six ways we feed the negative wolf. I invite you to consider these roadblocks to peace, joy, and happiness and notice whether they affect your sense of fulfillment also. 1. Imagining the worst. 2. Thinking I've made a mistake. 3. Thinking like a victim. 4. Living in the past or the future. 5. Resisting reality. 6. Delaying happiness. Do you see yourself in any of these examples? Do you recognize some of the ways that you are feeding your negative wolf? Which ways of thinking and acting do you commonly engage in? What do you notice is the impact of thinking and behaving in these ways? What direction do they point you in? Which wolf do you feed? Sponsored by Ted Kuntz From his book, Peace Begins With Me

Quickly Let Go....Lessons from a 12 year old

QUICKLY RELEASE AND TRANSFORM – WHAT A 12 YEAR TAUGHT ME We are on a family trip and Lata (my wife) and I were discussing whether or not we should take the hot air balloon ride. In addition to the cost, the other barrier was the 3.45am wake up call as we needed to leave the hotel by 4.30am.   Sanjana, our 12 year old, who on an average holiday protests violently if she is stirred before 10am, was all up for getting up. Anyway, after some back and forth mainly between Lata and me, we were coming around to the decision that we would probably not go. I turned around and when I saw Sanjana’s face, it was VERY evident that she was upset. On enquiry her response was ‘if you had told me that we would not do it upfront, then I would have been okay, but after all this discussion…..” then she started crying. We consoled her and said that one of us, if not both will go…but soon we decided that all three of us would just do it. The crying stopped, tears were wiped off and...