The Wolf You Feed!
Outlined below are six ways we feed the negative wolf.
I invite you to consider these roadblocks to peace, joy, and happiness
and notice whether they affect your sense of fulï¬Âllment also.
and notice whether they affect your sense of fulï¬Âllment also.
1. Imagining the worst.
2. Thinking I've made a mistake.
3. Thinking like a victim.
4. Living in the past or the future.
5. Resisting reality.
6. Delaying happiness.
2. Thinking I've made a mistake.
3. Thinking like a victim.
4. Living in the past or the future.
5. Resisting reality.
6. Delaying happiness.
Do you see yourself in any of these
Do you recognize some of the ways that
you are feeding your negative wolf?
you are feeding your negative wolf?
Which ways of thinking and acting do
you commonly engage in?
you commonly engage in?
What do you notice is the impact of
thinking and behaving in these ways?
thinking and behaving in these ways?
What direction do they point you in?
Which wolf do you feed?
From his book,
As a Risk professional, imagining and preparing for the worst is what I do for a living. Yet the whole edifice stands on hoping for the best. In between these two fences, staying in the present and acknowledging reality is a constant tug-of-war. There is one really fat wolf in my neighbourhood, and its expression is not pleasant :-)