How Can I Make Mondays More Like Fridays?
How Can I Make Mondays More Like Fridays?
A powerful Insight from a leader (shared with his permission)
In a coaching conversation last Friday with Shankar , the Managing Director of PSI-IPL, a social enterprise in India, an interesting observation he made led to an insightful discussion. As with the case in most authentic connects, the conversation focused on the whole person - both the professional and the family man. He noticed that his family, those around him at work and himself included typically feel a bounce/a buoyancy/ a lightness that was more pronounced on Fridays as compared to Mondays.
This was palpable at home as well. He had noticed that his teenager daughter too was more open and willing to engage in deeper discussions on a Friday evening as compared to any other week night. On other weekdays, the conversations were mainly transactional in nature - “Can do this?” “I need X” etc.
As the conversation deepened, he drew the parallel with something similar happening at work. That folks were more relaxed and willing to have deeper/more meaningful conversations later on in the week as compared to on Mondays. Then the penny dropped for him - “Wow, and we typically have our Senior Management Meeting first thing on Monday mornings…..”
After a while, he asked a pointed question (to himself) - “How can I make Mondays more like Fridays?”
In the exploration that followed, Shankar arrived at the following deeper insight - A sense of space, safety and support (my new three “S”) are essential to foster deeper conversations……We went on to a further exploration of how he could facilitate this both at home and work. When I checked in with Shankar on Sunday, he was really happy that he had acted upon this insight. He recognises that implementing this at work poses different challenges….but the commitment is there. Stay tuned for how this pans out.
Clearly each of us will have our own unique ways to create the energies we need. Kudos to Shankar for asking, trying out new approaches and finally be willing to share his experience. This exploration within caught my attention. Does it catch yours? Look forward to hearing how this resonated with you.
Meanwhile, here is short 90 second video that can help you jumpstart your Monday.
This is of course a ‘bandaid’ solution. A deeper look within ala what Shankar is doing, may lead to richer transformational experiences. I would of course luv to hear about your journey within.
Best wishes.
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