
Showing posts from 2013

Managing the Mind - How?

Managing the Mind : How can one actively defeat one’s own lower nature, and train the mind to be even and balanced? The point is very simple. Always maintain a  positive attitude. As long as one maintains a positive attitude, and is happy and clear in one’s mind as far as one’s own aspirations and participation are concerned, one can easily manage the mind. It goes without saying that the nature of mind is to create problems all the time. Problems are created by the mind because of two things only: firstly, one’s expectations and needs, and secondly, mismanagement of the mental behavior. A person’s expectations and needs become their personal areas of involvement, and then managing of the reactive mind in normal situations has to be the focus On the one hand people say that life is tamasic, restrictive, painful and confusing, yet on the other hand we all expect so much from our own life. There is a contradiction in life. There is no intellectual reasoning, logi...

Manage the Mind

Manage the Mind Swami Niranjan You tend to forget that whatever happens in life is only temporary. In one situation you experience happiness, and then something happens and you feel sad. When you find happiness, you cling on to it. You do not want the situation to change. However, when you are filled with adversity, you want to run away from it; you do not want to have any association with it. Who is responsible for this attitude? It is the mind. If you can keep the mind in check, if you are able to deal with it firmly, it will remain healthy. After all who did Lord Krishna manage? Did he manage Arjuna or Arjuna’s mind? While on the battlefield, Lord Krishna repeatedly told Arjuna, “Do not let your mind be disturbed! It is your mind that is the cause of all your troubles.” He advised him to perform his duty, to follow his dharma, and not to allow his mind to waver. He showed him ways to regain his balance and keep his mind in control. In fact, the entire message of the ...

Swami Sivananda’s 18 Yamas

Swami Sivananda’s 18 Yamas (excerpts from Development of Satyananda Yoga by Sw. Nirajan) Swami Sivananda gave certain guidelines, in the form of 18 yamas or disciplines to be followed to overcome the lower, tamasic tendencies in life and to cultivate spiritual awareness. Sage Patanjali prescribed five yamas. There are only related to the mind and applicable for altering the states of the mind. I am referring here to the yamas that are capable of altering the nature of the ego. Do not confuse the two. Swami Sivananda’s eighteen yamas which we call ‘ites’, are: serenity, regularity, absence of vanity, sincerity, simplicity, veracity, equanimity, fixing, non irritability, adaptability, humility, tenacity, integrity, nobility, magnanimity, charity, generosity, and purity. You should make the attempt and effort to cultivate these qualities in life. If you are able to grow these wonderful flowers in your life, then the thorns will not bother you. The bush of roses is ...

Moon Walking Through Time

So, there I was at a lovely party night at the Park Sheraton hotel (once called ‘Adyar Park’). Found myself dancing on the floor to the music of the 80s, surrounded by Aarti, Mani, Anil, Preeta and Lata, of course. A few feet away were Babbu, Priya and Bharathi. Suddenly, felt the warm embrace of nostalgia as an image of spending time with same people twenty five years ago at the ‘Gatsby,’(the discotheque at the same hotel!) I let this wave engulf me and it seemed like I was watching a familiar old movie that I had loved! While years have rolled by, it felt comforting to be surrounded by the familiar! Yup, it was lovely to be back home to Madras! Although it has been five years since we came back, I still don’t take it for granted.   This moment was indeed special!

Tip of the Iceberg

Yesterday, there were three independent events (or were they?) that reminded me of a valuable insight that I tend to forget – ‘ What we see is only a small part of the big picture.’ Spent some time talking, or rather listening to SRB, an 80 year father of a good friend of mine at his place.   SRB can be cantankerous, sardonic, insightful and irreverent at the same time, but always with a spark in his eye. I have known and spent time with him over the past 30 years (wow, it has indeed been that long), but yesterday was probably the one of the few occasions where I got to hear about his life before I got to know him. In our conversation, he walked down memory lane talking about his father, uncle, cousin, grand-father and even his great grand father on one hand and the prevailing society (and changes) over time. As he wove these stories, I was able to see how the lives of his forefathers had played a BIG role in shaping him. This led me to better understand and appreciate...

‘Man Making’ and Not Just ‘Bread Making’ Lessons from my fourth trip to the Bihar School of Yoga, Oct 2013

‘Man Making’ and Not Just ‘Bread Making’ Lessons from my fourth trip to the Bihar School of Yoga, Oct 2013 Ah, with two cups of coffee and some potatoes and parotas down the hatchet, one is ready! The quiet and sanitized conditions of the lounge in Kolkata airport and the flight back to Madras provide an ideal opportunity to look back over the past week spent at the Bihar School of Yoga (BSY) ashram in Munger, Bihar. This note is less about BSY’s World Yoga Convention, but more about the ways this experience has touched me .  I will highlight five particular learnings in this note. Undoubtedly, the highlight of the trip was away from the Convention. The warm and genuine hospitality of Shantanu’s parents has taught me so much. Shantanu is my yoga teacher who has been my guide over the past two years as I have dived into the world of better health, self-analysis and improvement through the tools of yoga.  As I write this note, I realize that I don’t even know his f...

Third Dip Into Pakistan - Charity, Mirror and Be Grateful

Third Dip Into Pakistan - Charity, Mirror and Be Grateful October 16, 2013 Just completed my third trip to Pakistan in 10 months last week. Each trip there is a voyage of discovery and this trip was no different. As with every great voyage, the lessons we learn about ourselves are the most gratifying. 1. Understanding and appreciating Islam – A few months ago I had a read a piece where the author talks about how Swami Vivekananda (one of the pioneers of modern day Hinduism) thought that that the philosophies of Hinduism married with the application of Islam were an ideal mix. During this trip I had a wonderful opportunity to talk to Imran and Ayesha, a delightful young couple in Karachi. I had read a little about Islam’s focus on charity and when I asked them about it, Imran spoke to me at length how charity is at the heart of Islam. He went out to articulate different types of charity (with strict rules) constitute one of the five pillars of Islam. The type so cha...

How to Manage the Mind?

How to Manage the Mind? Problem Solution Daily Practice 1. Impurity Karma Yoga. Selfless work. 8hr/day. Plus Hatha Yoga. 8 hr + 1 hr 2. Dissipation – lack of focus Bhakti Yoga – Kirtan, Satsang and reading. Without Bhakti Yoga, cannot overcome dissipation 30 min 3. Ignorance of principles of consciousness (‘chit’) Jnana Yoga –Yoga of philosophical rationality. Asking the tough questions- Why am I doing this? What is the spirit? Etc. Understand the truth – I am part of the cosmic nature. 30 min
Last month I lost a mentor and friend. David Reene was an amazing human being who touched and improved the life of so many of us. This eulogy from his brother captures what a special person he was and how he exemplified and lived his life - full of gratitude. Mahatma Gandhi said 'my life is my message.' So too David's..... The men of the Reene family have always been comfortable with business and finance, not so much with emotions and feelings. Yet David overcame that and focused on a higher calling of making the world a better place, choosing not to be self-absorbed as is so common in our culture today. As one of his colleagues stated David is the definition of emotional intelligence: self-aware, socially skilled, empathetic, motivating and a model of self-control. He was constantly thanking the doctors, nurses, cleaning people, everyone - he wanted to be certain they knew how much he appreciated them. Every other word out of his mouth was "Thank you.  Fantast...

Cheers Again!

Cheers Again! – Sep 2012 “Sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name, and they are always glad you came….you wanna be where you can see, our troubles are all the same, you wanna be where everybody knows your name” These opening lyrics from the popular American Sitcom “Cheers” conveyed the warm and friendly atmosphere of a Bar that was at the heart of this lovable and very successful program. For years, PSI was indeed my ‘Cheers.’ I shared the same DNA of my colleagues who were almost handpicked from the same stock. We did serious work without taking ourselves seriously. We worked hard and partied harder. Indeed, we did ‘development with a difference’ kicking ass while still kissing butt at the same time. Over the years as is naturally the case in large organizations, the stock got ‘diluted’ and a new culture emerged. Slowly but surely, I found myself becoming a dinosaur – with history but not relevant to the future. I had to reinvent myself and this proces...

Knowledge and Wisdom

Knowledge is Learning Something Every Day.  Wisdom is Letting go of Something Every Day. ~ Zen Proverb ~
Why are You Bored with Your Work??? Good piece...... It is due to Your Attitude. If the Attitude is Correct, You can go on doing the same work for Fifty Years.  When you consider Your Work as a Duty, a way of Serving Others, it NEVER becomes Dull. It is ONLY when You think of it in terms of Your Own Development or Pleasure that work becomes Intolerable and Monotonous. It is actually far easier and more Motivating to work for Others than for Yourself. This is the 'Secret of Karma Yoga' which few Understand and are able to Apply. This is the Difference between Karma and Karma yoga. You Create Karma when You Act with Yourself in Mind, with Your Personal Desires and Problems as a Motivation. When You act, not for Yourself but as a Service, an Offering to Others, the Mind is Freed and You Experience the Benefits of Karma Yoga." - Swami Satyananda (Bihar School of Yoga)
My list of complaints about the Yoga Studio (136.1) that I go to.... "All these lovey dovey notes from members/teachers of the Thiruvamiyur studio are making me sick. I have to tell the truth and set the record stratight about absolutely terrible impact of going to 136 for a year and a half. Here are some changes that have happened in my life that are shocking... 1. I used to enjoy sleeping till 7am, but now it is 4.45am for me so that I can get to the 5.45am class in time! 2. I loved sulking and enjoyed my grumpiness, but alas those moments are few and far between. 3. I used to read the newspaper, TIME magazine, fiction, but now all I read are books on Yoga. Find myself starting chapter 6 of the Bhagwad Gita. This is plain ridiculous! 4. I loved the high that the clear drink - vodka brought, but now, sipping coconut water from 136.2 (outside Alwarpet) is the depths that I have sunk to. 5. Conversations about people (gossip), random topics interested me, but now, I run fro...
An interesting article....about wealth and what to do with it.... Happiness : Contented Life Today we have a large ashram. But there was a time when I had neither money nor an ashram; I did not have any place to stay and no guarantee of a meal. When I left my guru’s ashram I decided to walk alone. I did not know anyone. I possessed only one jhola and one danda. Wherever I was, it was my home. One should not make a display of one’s wealth. A rich person should  also live like a poor person. One should live as if one has no connection with money. One should lead a simple life, a natural life. A human being needs only two meals a day, clothes and shelter. So, your living standards should not change with money. How did you live when you were poor? There should be no difference when you acquire millions. Joy and sorrow are equal among all. Everyone goes through them. Don’t think that if you get a lot of money, you will become happy. That is merely an aspiration. Yes, the day you thin...

Religion and Spirituality – Some Clarity

Religion and Spirituality – Some Clarity April 24, 2013 Am capturing some thoughts that have mainly emerged from discussions with Shantanu, my yoga teacher and some readings in the recent past. Religion, or rather the impact of region on cultures (and its peoples) has fascinated me for many years. As I increasingly dived into holistic yoga, I found myself referring to myself as being ‘spiritually inclined’ but not religious. Bottom line – I did not believe/appreciate the ‘mumbo/jumbo’ that is often related with religion and the unfortunate blind and often rabid faith that goes with being identified with one religion. But, the following new thoughts have made me question this belief… Every living thing has its own nature. Water always flows from the top to bottom and fire always rises (try holding a match any way you want, but when you light it, the flame always goes upwards). So too for humans. Our innate nature is to be  good and do good. Be unselfis...
Karachi Korner Feb 2013 It’s my second trip to Karachi in two months and nothing has changed on one hand and everything has on the other.  Almost every Pakistani I met was friendly and even more so when they realized I was Indian. This was true in December as well.  The folks at immigration, the mobile phone kiosk owner who gave me his phone to make a call, the front desk staff at the hotel reception who upgraded me a to a larger room, the guest services manager who organized to purchase a new toothbrush for me, the many old and new staff at my office who welcomed me with a smile and bid adieu with gifts and an open invitation to return and finally to the immigration official as I was leaving who was so pleased when I told him that I had had a good time and encouraged me to apply for a SAARC visa the next time that would allow me to come repeatedly with no restrictions – each one of them were wonderful ambassadors of the warmth of the Pakistanis and their sp...

Jan 19, 2013

Jan 19, 2013 Another lovely birthday!  The first present came on the 18 th , when after seven-eight years, blood tests showed that my long standing cholesterol level was finally under control.  I was so pleased that the past year’s yoga, healthier eating and reduced drinking had paid off, but Lata reminded me that it was in fact, four months of medications that finally pulled the numbers down! Damn, there went my romantic illusions! As Al Pachino said in GF3, “Everytime I try to get away, they bring me back!” Double benefits- Better health and ego in check! Anyway, the 19 th morning began magnificently. The Austrialian Embassy and my yoga studio had organized a wonderful session of ‘yoga and music on the beach at 6am. It was one of my most beautiful experiences as the lovely live music from Jo and Edo wafted through the crisp, clean air as we inhaled deeply and stretched. See this 50 second link to get a taste. Every time I...