Imagine the boy in the picture feeding the birds. Look at his expression. Is he giving or actually receiving?
This was a wonderful lesson I was reminded of during the intensive none day residential program on Non Violent Communication that I have just emerged from!
A few years ago, in the Rikhia Ashram of the Bihar School of Yoga, some of us were gently admonished for fooling around when we were packing a 'goody bag' to be distributed to the impoverished villagers. We were reminded that we are to participate in this exercise with joy and an immense sense of receiving, rather than seeing ourselves as the 'giver.'
So, to be reminded of this wonderful insight last week was wonderful. Truly, when we are in the 'flow,' there is no distinction between being the giver or the receiver. We simply just flow!
An in that flow lies our joy - not momentary happiness, but a deep sense of bliss. The few times I have been touched by this sensation have been phenomenal. As I continue this journey of being happy and making others happy as an "Emotional Intelligence" Coach and Trainer, I ask for the universe to constantly remind me of how much I am actually gaining! GRATITUDE!
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